Meet your photographer


Damion is a British photographer currently residing in the US and dedicated to capturing iconic moments in the world of fashion and pageantry.

My Story

I was born and raised in Oxfordshire, England, just a couple of hours north of London. About 15 years ago, I met my American wife and moved to Louisiana to start a new chapter in life. So yes, I do have a Britsh accent, you have been warned!!

Since relocating, I have pursued my passion for photography full-time, leading to a fulfilling journey and today, I continue to capture moments behind the lens, constantly exploring and innovating in the industry.

My creative family includes my wife Cherilyn, who is also a full-time photographer, and my two sons Jenson and Harry, who share my love for photography.

My Mission

The mission is really simple. I want to give everyone in front of my camera the confidence and belief in themselves that they deserve.

I work very hard to continue educating myself in my craft to ensure I am giving my best to show each person I am photographing their beauty.

It would be easy for me to mention the usual photographer cliche about “capturing memories” but I don’t want you concentrating on the past. I want to build you up and give you the confidence to go for your dreams in the future.

My Pageant Photography Story

I have collaborated with numerous directors and pageant contestants across various pageant systems, specializing in pageant headshots and portraits. Exceptional photos play a crucial role in the Pageant world, with the potential to secure competitors the coveted title of Most Photogenic. WIth that being said, my photography has earned the title of most photogenic in both local and national pageants, offering judges their initial glimpse of you before you grace the stage.

I started photographing within the Pageant industry back in 2015 and after a break from pageant photography to concentrate on my wedding photography and portrait business, I found myself back in pageants in 2020 as primarily a pageant photographer working with many systems across the US and beyond.

My Fashion Photography Story

One thing I have always been able to say is that my work has a fashion edge to it. This is because my inspiration for shoots and lighting comes from an editorial passion.

Having studied the work of all of these and been mentored directly by many world renowned photographers such as Annie Liebowitz, Herb Ritts, Jerry Ghionis, Lindsay Adler and more. So my work could do nothing but lend itself to fashion.

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